Sunday, February 15, 2015

Rainbow Hearts and a Give Away

I’m soooo excited. I can finally share one of my big secrets with everyone! My Rainbow Hearts pattern is in the April/May issue of McCall’s Quick Quilts.

It’s a scrappy quilt that finishes 46 1/2” x 46 1/2”. The center color is shifted back one block which gives it lots of fun “movement”. You can see all the information about my quilt HERE.


It’ll be on newsstands and at the on March 3rd. You can see all the quilts in this issue and get subscription information HERE.

Cover FULL

Give Away

I’m giving away 1 copy of the McCall’s Quick Quilts April/May issue.

  • Become a follower and click the Rafflecopter button to be entered.
  • Drawing will be Friday, February 20th by random drawing.





Anonymous said...
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giddy99 said...

It's lovely! I love the rainbow of colors!

VickiT said...

What a pretty quilt. I really love all the pretty colors and the way it goes from one color to the next. So pretty.

Debbie -- Sheltered Stitches said...

Thanks for the give-away offer!

Calicojoan said...

Congrats Carol! Gorgeous quilt!

OhioLori said...

Thanks for chance to win! :)

Just wanted to say I think your Quilt is AWESOME! I loooove it!

Pamela said...

What a beautiful quilt! Thanks for the chance to win!

GranChris said...

Love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt and McCalls Quick Quilts

Anonymous said...


mumbird3 said...

Love the quilt! Congrats on being published!!!

JANET said...

Really cute quilt!

Unknown said...

This quilt speaks to me - very loudly. I love the colors and everything about it.

Michele said...

Whoo hoo for you!