Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Kicking Off International Craft Month

March is International Craft Month. Woot!!!
Come hop along and BEE CREATIVE!
bee creative kick off badge
Let’s get in the spring mood. Easter is just around the corner and this is one of my all time favorite quick projects….the fabric basket. You can whip this super easy basket up in about 15 minutes. Hint, hint, teachers love to get candy! Oh, and don’t forget…cute little windup toys make FUN easter gifts for young and old!!

Want to get your work space into the spring mood…how about my Bunny Business wall hanging? He’s sure to make everyone smile. Visit my SHOP options for patterns.

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It really does hold an entire package of Hershey Kisses!!


10x10 piece of fabric
10x piece of felt
Four 20 inch pieces of 1/4 inch wide ribbon
Chalk wheel (recommended) or fabric marker
Pinking Sheers
Fray Check (optional)

Pin the fabric and felt together with “wrong” sides touching.
Use a chalk wheel or fabric marker to draw an 8 x 8 inch square and a 1 1/2 x 9 inch rectangle.
Cut out using pinking sheers.
Thread your machine so the bobbin matches the felt and the machine matches the fabric color.
Set your machine on a zig zag stitch.
Using your presser foot as a guide sew down each side of the handle. Set this aside.
Use your chalk wheel to draw a line 2 1/2 inches from each side of the basket fabric to make a grid.
Center and pin your ribbon over the two vertical lines. Sew with a zig zag stitch. Repeat this step for the two horizontal lines. You may need to adjust the stitch width and length to fit the ribbon nicely.
To finish the edge of the basket, begin sewing at one of the ribbons using a zig zag stitch and your presser foot as a guide. Continue sewing until you get to the opposite end of the ribbon you started with.
Stop and tuck the handle approx. 1/2 inch between the layers of fabric and pin. Do not remove basket from the machine.
Continue sewing around until you get to the last ribbon. Stop and insert the other end of the handle between the fabric layers.
It will seem a little awkward but it’s correct.
Push the handle out of the way and continue sewing until you get to your starting spot. That will only be a couple of inches.
Turn the basket right side out and tie the ribbons into a bow at each corner. Flip the corners down to make tear drop shapes. Add a drop of fray check to the ribbon ends (optional).
The most important step…fill with candy!
Hope you enjoy your basket!

Sweepstakes/Give Aways
Quiltshop Gal is sponsoring some give aways. You can find all the information on her blog at quiltshopgal.com. The Rafflecopter below is connected for easy entry.

Be sure to visit all the creative, crafty folks

Marian  - Seams to be Sew: http://www.seamstobesew.com


Patty – Elm Street Quilts: www.elmstreetquilts.com


Cheryl – Cheryl’s Teapots2Quilting: http://cherylsteapots2quilting.blogspot.com/


Barb –Bejeweled Quilts by Barb: www.bejeweledquilts.blogspot.com


Vanda – Quilt in Piece:  http://chittenden.co.za


Julie – Pink Doxies: www.pinkdoxies.com


      Carol – Fun Threads Designs: www.funthreads.blogspot.com 


Carole – From My Carolina Home: www.frommycarolinahome.com


Darlene – QuiltShopGal: www.quiltshopgal.com  


Solitude said...

Thank you for very cute pattern and the tutorial. vanda@chittenden.co.za

Connie Kauffman said...

Your bunny quilt is so cute!

Karin said...

Oh, thanks so much for this tutorial. That basket is really cute.

Julie said...

Hard to believe Easter is just around the bend. It's the perfect month for getting ready, and adding crafts that have our touch. (And, I'm with you on the wind up toys!)

Patty said...

Great tutorial of the basket and what a cute bunny quilt.

margaret said...

Cute basket!

Dana Gaffney said...

I love your little basket, it's so perfect for anytime of the year, filled with candy of course. :)

Darlington Delights said...

I love easter, too. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing.

KaHolly said...

This is an adorable little basket and looks so easy to make! Thanks for the great tutorial!

Renea said...

I really like that you showed your cute little basket in the two different color ways. Thanks for sharing

beaquilter said...

what a neat basket tutorial. BTW told darlene that your link doesn't work on the rafflecopter, actually 4 of them didn't for me. But I knew yours was in my feed anyways.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This basket is adorable and really something the grand kids would love, and oooh maybe one for my parents front door of their apartment
Well done and great tutorial!

Joyce Carter said...

Cute baskets. I use to make these for my grandchildren and loved doing it. They always enjoyed all the candy and toys I put in there. Maybe I need to make a few more. Thank you for sharing.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I've been trying to figure out what I wanted to use for a candy dish for a demo I'll be participating in, and, I'd totally forgotten about my fabric baskets, similar to yours (no handle). Thanks for reminding me.

QuiltShopGal said...

What a wonderful post. I agree baskets filled with candy and little toys are perfect gifts for all ages, for Easter or any time of the year. Love your basket design and great tutorial. I definitely want to make this. And your Easter Bunny wallhanging is delightful. Thank you for sharing and participating in our kick off event to Celebrate International Craft Month. Great job.


Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Really cute, fun and easy basket would be great for many seasons. Thank you for sharing it!

Pam McDonald said...

LOL well that basket is a winner! Thank you, I'm going to try this one.

Unknown said...

Cute basket!

TheEclecticAbuela said...

"Fill with candy"--you are right; this is the most important step! :)

Ellen said...

Thanks for the great tutorial

Anonymous said...

So many idea, so little time! Thanks for the tutorial.

Marian said...

Love that basket Carol, and it looks so easy to put together. I'm definitely going to make some.

Donna W said...

Cute little basket. Thanks for showing us how to make it.

Sarah J said...

You had me at "holds a whole bag of kisses"! What a sweet treat for a teacher or neighbor. Thank you!

works4me said...

What a nice little basket. Thanks.

cjmont said...

what a clever idea, thanks for sharing.

Cindy said...


RevTrudy said...

Now I know what I can make for the kids in Sunday School. thanks.

Quilting Tangent said...

Cute projects.

Gene Black said...

I would have to fill mine with thread or fabric. Candy is a no-no for my blood sugar.

Susan said...

Cute basket and wall hanging. Thanks for the tutorial.

Anonymous said...

HI,your projects are so cute! You're making it seem like Spring is coming! Thanks for this giveaway! msstitcher1214@gmail.com

Lori Smanski said...

your projects are wonderful. thanks for sharing the tutorial on that adorable basket.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

mumbird3 said...

At my house the kisses don't last long enough to make it to a basket!! Cute project!!!

Lisa England said...

So cute! A month celebrating being crafty is right up my alley!

claire ross said...

Love the bunny wall hanging x

Laura said...

Thanks for the basket tutorial. Must say that the wall hanging really made me smile.

Krista Wells said...

Thank you for the basket tutorial. My Goddaughter will be visiting for Easter and will need a cute little basket for the Easter egg hunt. This will be perfect.

rrjane011749 said...

Cutest bunny quilt ever!

Joanne G said...

Very cute bunny wall hanging! jvermunt(at)shaw(dot)ca

Betsy said...

I love you be the basket. Looks easy and definitely will be able to use my stash

Sandra Walker said...

It's all about the Hershey kisses! :-)

Janie said...

The bunny quilt is way cute loving the glasses! Thank you for the tutorial, I have added it to my to-do list.

Jocelyn said...

Cute bag. Thanks!

Lisa J. said...

That's a cute little basket...and of course the Candy!!!!

Dody said...

Thank you for sharing! Love the pattern and tutorial.

Can't Stop Stitchin said...

Love your little 9 patch basket! Hope to make one for the holidays coming up.

Doris Rice, The Quilting Queen said...

Cute basket. Looks super easy! Thanks for the tut!

Emily C said...

What a nice quick way to make a basket. I love that you can store them flat if you need to.

Peggy said...

I love spring!m. Thanks, Peggy

Siouxzq64@gmail.com said...

Oh my our basket is fabulous, and so cute and timely wouldn't take much more than a layer cake to make a whole passel of baskets for the grandkids for Easter.

Pamela said...

What cute little baskets! It's so cheering to see Easter crafts after a long winter.

Pamela said...

What cute little baskets! It's so cheering to see Easter crafts after a long winter.

Cloud 9 said...

What a great and simple idea.

Cloud 9 said...

What a great and simple idea. Thanks for sharing.

Donna said...

Thanks so much for sharing these cute Spring projects!
donnalee1953 (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Creative basket, great tutorial but I would really enjoy eating the chocolates .
Happy Quilting :)

GranChris said...

The basket is very sweet.

quilter said...

Great basket, thanks!!

Unknown said...

Making this basket for my granddaughter. Thank you for sharing.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Cute basket, but really. The kisses wouldn't be around long enough for me to finish sewing it!

kathyinozarks said...

fun projects thank you for sharing

Anna brown said...

Very cute basket ty for idea.... Love your bunny quilt so happy looking...... happyness04431@yahoo.com

jrsay said...

What beautiful ideas, you make this all look sew very easy.
Luv your color combinations. Thanks for sharing your energies.
Will be making a few now to share with kids at church.

Brenda said...

Fabric baskets are fun to make. Your tutorial was fabulous and easy to follow! I know I will be making a few of these. Thank you for sharing and have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this little basket! I know I will be making many of them to put gifts in. Thank!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the cute basket w/us!

teachpany said...

Cute and fun. I may grab my nieces and nephew and have them make one. Thanks.

Nancy in IN said...

Thanks for the tutorial for cute basket

Karen in Breezy Point said...

Adorable--thanks for the tutorial!

Carline said...

cute basket and one that won't take ages to make. I think it would be nice to have little ones for place settings for Easter dinner
Carline, bandcanthony@gmail.com

Quilter Bridget said...

Thanks for participating in the mini blog hop! And thanks for the cute basket tutorial...I have the perfect Easter fabric so I can make one for my mom's Easter basket!

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us, and thank you for this wonderful giveaway! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at) aol.com

Annmarie said...

Darling basket. Thanks for the tute.

MissPat said...

Love the bunny wLl hanging and the baskets are just too cute.

Susan said...

I think the little basket is adorable. Thanks for sharing the tutorial!

vicki said...

Love the bunny, the glasses are just too cute! vickise at gmail dot com

The Victorian Girl said...

Cute little basket! Would make great favors.

Nancy said...

How cute! Thanks for sharing.
--Nancy. (ndmessier @ aol.com, joyforgrace.blogspot.com)

lauraluvsloons said...

Thanks for the tutorial for your very cute fabric basket. Lucky you with all your new batiks:)

Unknown said...

I love your studious looking bunny painting Easter Eggs mini quilt - gorgeous.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

thank you for the little basket tutorial. What a neat thing to make for a quick gift!

Lindah said...

So cute! Thanks!

Kathy E. said...

Super cute basket! I'd like to make one for each holiday!

Rachell said...

How super cute! Great tutorial. I'm glad someone else thinks that orange isn't just for Halloween--it can make a statement anytime!

Mom C said...

That is a really cute and quick project. One my grand daughters would love. Thanks.

Seacoast Quilter said...

This looks like a quick and easy way to make a fabric basket. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I have a similar bag that my MIL made me, so cute.

Unknown said...

This is great idea. Thanks!

JANET said...

Cute patterns. Love the quilt. Can't wait to make something of yours.

sisylyn2 said...

Each tutorial makes me think you are a artists.

Carol J said...

WHat a cute basket - and so easy to make too! Thanks for sharing!