Sunday, November 15, 2015

Christmas Gift Input Needed…

Well, it’s that time of year again. My sewing room looks like the house flipped over and spun around a few times. Do you get many requests for holiday sewing?

I recently got a photo of my teenage nieces shower curtain with a request to embroidery some hand towels.


I found these designs at Embroidery Library. Their stuff always stitches out so nice.

embroidery library designs

Do you have a teenager? What do you think….cool or creepy? I thought they were really cool but hubby says they’re creepy.

embroidered towels

I’m going to redo the wolf and tiger on different color towels. Maybe a rust and silver or rust and white. The wolf’s eyes need to be changed back to amber. The blue is too weird.


Charlene S said...

The teen will love the wolf even with blue eyes.

Julierose said...

I think "creepy"...but then teens have a different "take" on things than an oldie like me....just sayin'....hugs, Julierose

lefuntz said...

Cool! Very cool!