Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Quilting Needle Review

These get 2 thumbs up!

As you may have noticed, I've been trying to learn free motion quilting. My machine and I have been waging a tension tug-o-war with the machine winning the battle. I'd almost given up hope on my old machine ever being able to free motion quilt and was ready to buy a new machine when I stumbled upon these quilting needles at the fabric store this weekend.

They say the needle has a special taper to the point. It's designed to prevent damage to sensitive materials and allow more ease in sewing transverse seams.

Good News - They worked like a dream. No more tension issues even on the tiny curves. I was able to machine quilt 2 quilts this weekend. Woohoo!

Bad News - I won't be needing a new machine any time soon.

happy machine = happy sewing!

1 comment:

Judy said...

I am going to buy some of these!