Supplies Needed
You can get a PDF file of the humming bird from my Craftsy shop HERE.
I also used Heat and Bond Light to make this project.
How to cut a detailed design with ScanNCut
NOTE: I do a lot of “Scan to Cut Data” so I like to use the photo scanning mat. It saves my sticky mats for the important things.
1. Load the pattern template sheet and select SCAN TO CUT DATA.
2. After it scans click REGION DETECTION. Grab the edges and drag to crop the image.
IMPORTANT: If the three small dots on the wing do not highlight take a look at page 52-53 of the User Manual.
You will most likely need to change the “delete size” so it will recognize the small wing details.
Select the bottom function button then click DELETE SIZE.
Make the numbers smaller until all wing detail shows up. Click OK to return to the worktable. Then click SAVE and select where you want to save the image.
3. Now you have to retrieve the image for editing and cutting. Click the HOME key>OK>PATTERN>SAVED DATA. Select the image and click OK to place it on the worktable.
4. Next, you need to unify all the little bits so they move as one image. Click the LAYOUT EDITING button.
Click SELECT ALL>OK. This will highlight the entire image and put you back on the edit worktable.
With the entire image highlighted click UNIFY>OK. All the little bits are now fused as one. You can now resize and move the hummingbird as one single image.
5. Prepare the fabric with the fusible, I used HeatNBond Light, place it on the mat, and load the mat. Adjust the cutter pressure settings and blade settings. Be sure to have a sharp blade for this project.
6. Click SCAN BACKGROUND. Drag the image over the scanned fabric so it fits nicely. The image will move as one unit since we unified it. Click OK and cut.
Use the spatula to carefully lift the applique off the mat.
Enjoy this little hummer as a fabric applique or cut from paper for cards.
NOTE: The card border was drawn around the hummingbird with a sharpie marker before scanning the image.
featured fabric is Island Batik Sugar Collection
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