
Monday, February 23, 2015

QuiltCon in Review…part 1

Did you make it to QuiltCon? Lucky for me it was in Austin this year.

Stitch Lab sponsored a fun photo op. Yeehaw! Who could resist the humor!!!


I was drawn to quilts inspired by electrical and architectural elements.

CPU by Katherine Jones of Australiaquiltcon3

Quite a few quilts with text hidden in the quilting.

Building Bridges by Jacquie Gering of Missouriquiltcon4

Barn Remnant by Kim Eichler-Messmer of Kansasquiltcon 15

Traditional designs gone crazy modern were some of my favorites.

Deconstructed Lonestar by Amy Struckmeyer of Illinoisquiltcon5

There was so much colorful, quilty inspiration.

Rocket 88 by Latifa Saafir of California.
I’ve been a fan of her quilts for a while. quiltcon6

The moon at Night by Colleen Molen of California and Huckleberry by Rebecca Bryan of Missouriquiltcon8

This was just creative and fun. The little boat reminds me of the ones we folded as kids and is made from newsprint fabric.

Iceberg by Crystal McGann of Australia. quiltcon2

There was a wonderful tribute to the quilters of Gee’s Bend, Alabama. Several fun 70’s quilts which looked modern until you got up close and saw they were made from 70’s polyesters.Wow! I remember that stuff. LOL.

All in all a really fun show.

Always take a moment to look up.
Sometimes it’s just an awesome view.

 I’ll have a few more photos later.



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