
Friday, September 26, 2014

Lost My Marbles, Etc.

Well, I officially lost my marbles. I signed up for the bitty block hand quilting round. What was I thinking?!? I’m doing everyone’s initials and will be squeaking under the wire on this finish.

And because I’m as distractible as a dog seeing a squirrel…McDonald’s has hexi bots in their happy meals! I’ve nabbed 4 so far this week. Two are wind up and two are pull & go. My dog has been enjoying the burgers and I’ve been enjoying the toys. LOL.


How is everyone doing with their S-N-O-W blocks? Are you ready for row #2?

snow row

1 comment:

  1. Yikes, I believe you have! hahahaha

    Bring on part 2 of snow! :-)


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