
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hauptstrasse Quiltfest

I spent a simply gorgeous morning in Boerne, Texas at the Hauptstrasse Quiltfest. It was an outdoor quilt show and sale held in the Main Plaza of the historic district.

Just look at all these lovely quilts blowing in the breeze!!

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They were hung all the way down both sides of the park which was probably longer than a football field.

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They were even hung on buildings.

IMG_5318Dienger Building 1890

I can’t begin to show all the lovely quilts that were on display but here are a few of my favorites.

IMG_5281Tree of Life by the 1st United Methodist Church Quilters

IMG_5283Borgello Leaf by J. Arnold

IMG_5311Lonestar by A. Hobbs. I just love these quilts!!!

IMG_5288Midnight Traveler by B. Gates

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Here’s a close up of the lovely red and yellow borgello seen hanging above by H. Koentopp


I couldn’t get the title and creator because this was hanging on the balcony of the building. AWESOME quilt!


Hope you enjoyed the “eye candy”


  1. Wonderful, I don't get Quilt shows where I live. 24Tangent "@" gmail "dot" com

  2. lovely quilts and fun flag one!

  3. Oh so pretty. That would have been fantastic to see.

  4. Having done my first bargello a couple of months ago as a table runner, I'm very impressed by the bargello leaf/heart.


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